


Infrared Imaging (Thermography) for Pets – Giving a voice to your pet!

Infrared Imaging (Thermography) for Pets - Giving a voice to your pet! What is Infrared imaging? Infrared imaging is a non-invasive diagnostic tool used to demonstrate the distribution of temperature on the skin in order to localize areas of inflammation and pain in cats and dogs.  It is often difficult to recognize signs of pain, [...]

You Can Treat Your Dog’s Hip Dysplasia Naturally

My dog is slowing down. Is it hip dysplasia, how do I know for sure, and how do I treat it naturally? Puppies grow up incredibly quickly, with most dog breeds reaching their full size within 8 to 18 months.  Unfortunately, we've seen in our Fort Lauderdale clinic that this rapid development comes with an increased [...]

By |April 12th, 2017|Categories: Treatment|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Did you know Acupuncture can be utilized to treat Cancer and Cancer pain?

It is not provocative to suggest that we can treat cancer in pets using acupuncture. The National Cancer Institute advocates the practice of acupuncture for human cancer patients and documents that it can be utilized to control pain and relieve nausea, vomiting, anxiety, depression, and more.  Additionally, the National Institute of Health (NIH) Consensus Statement [...]

By |February 21st, 2017|Categories: Treatment|Tags: , , , , , , |1 Comment