Articles about living a happier, healthier life with your pet. Could be tips, could be great places to exercise together, could be listicles like “7 Household Products to Keep Away From Your Cat”.
Treating Kidney Disease Naturally
You can Treat Kidney Disease in Dogs and Cats Naturally What is Kidney Disease? Kidney disease and kidney failure in dogs and cats are extremely common diseases in dogs and cats. The kidneys in pets function to help to filter water as well as other nutrients in the body. How do you know if your [...]
What You Need to Know about Coronavirus / COVID-19 and Your Pet
Watch our awesome Dr. Jessie discuss COVID-19 and your pet . . . COVID-19 downloadable document
What Should I Feed My Pet – Pets Are What They Eat!
Did you know that gut health of your pet affects your pet’s mental and physical health? You are what you eat as they say! Just like humans, pets benefit from nutritional supplements and a balanced, healthy diet. For example, fish oils are beneficial for your pet’s coat, cognitive function, kidney, heart, and joint health. They [...]
Healing Pet Arthritis Holistically
Written By Dr. Jessie Dreyfuss, DVM, CVA, CCRT If you have ever owned a pet, you have come to realize the typical signs of aging – slow to get into and out of the car, more reluctant to get up off that comfy bed or sofa in the morning, sleeping more often and for longer, [...]
How to Know If Your Pet Needs Physical Rehabilitation
Just like humans, animals start to become more stiff and less flexible as they age. As a result, most older animals tend to move more slowly (and with less enthusiasm) than when they were young. Pet physical therapy (rehabilitation) for dogs, cats, and more (even bunnies!) allows us as human guardians to help keep our [...]